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Release summary 2022.2

Exciting additions include Xeditor integration and a raft of handy user shortcuts

Check out these new censhare capabilities

Xeditor, user-friendly, professional WYSIWYG XML editor

While our own content editor lets you create amazing media neutral content, some teams may want expanded capabilities. Like true WYSIWYG editing or the highest levels of editing of XML code. 

Xeditor includes a complete set of intuitive features and functions when editing XML code. If you simply want to create and edit text content, you can hide the code with a single click and see the effects of your edits right away in WYSIWYG mode.

Xeditor document previews work seamlessly in the web client

Edit XML documents visually via the intuitive and feature-rich Xeditor interface

Brand censhare your way

Partners can now personalize log-in screens with Keycloak themes, helping you connect with your customers even more closely.

More choice for clipping videos

With our 2022.2 release, we’ve extended your transcoding options to include AWS MediaConvert.

Video conversion can now be easily configured in the Admin Client. Select: FFmpeg, AWS Elastic Transcoder or AWS MediaConvert

You can always get what you want

Little changes can make a big difference to users. We asked what you needed to improve simplicity and convenience. And yes, we listened. 

Now you can:

  • Enjoy easier collaboration. Because you can open asset selections in a new search. Simply mark multiple assets in a search result and open them in a new search. This makes it easy to create a new search from a selection in a search or a list widget

  • Get more control over each asset with fewer clicks. Simply mark multiple assets in a search and open these assets in censhare’s Properties Editor

  • Take a shortcut by creating a deep link to activate a specific tab. When clicking this link, the asset page will be opened and the specified tab will be activated

  • Save time in the Edit Text (XML) and InCopy (ICML) functions. Because now you can open text and in-copy assets for editing in a dialog from the action menu by clicking “Edit content”. The appropriate editor opens right away

  • Save time opening asset configuration templates. Solution developers can now open asset configuration templates directly from the configuration dialog. (Instead of from a drop-down list)

  • Get the info you need even faster. You can configure the dynamic detail panel on a search page to provide the information needed right from the start. What’s more, the panel remembers its state between searches

  • Easily find and export assets. It’s now quicker and simpler to identify the right asset and export it directly from a search result or any other list widget

Support for Java 17, MacOS Ventura and Adobe InDesign CC 2023

Java’s latest long-term support release provides several new functionalities that make developing censhare easier. Our code base is up to date with it. If you are still using Java 11, we support that too.  

censhare is also fully compatible with Apple’s latest operating system, MacOS Ventura as well as Adobe InDesign 2023 supported by the latest censhare plugin.

Maintaining high security

Keeping you and your assets safe is more than just a feature, it’s our mindset. 

So as well as all our standard measures, we:

  • check that our 3rd party libraries have the latest security updates from the original provider

  • have recently carried out a major penetration test in collaboration with an external specialist

  • give high priority to any findings from your own penetration tests

Insights result in improvements

censhare Insights gathers information on usage. While no personal or sensitive information is collected, censhare Insights helps identify where new efficiencies and improvements can be made.

Essential data made clear. This sample graph shows aggregate counts of users and clients in the system

Inline documentation to easily identify which metrics to display

censhare Community

censhare’s product portal provides plenty of information, ranging from product overviews and updates, the censhare Academy and product documentation to developer guides.

Our portal landscape offers direct access to our community tool, documentation, helpdesk, academy portal and customer knowledge base.

censhare's community offering consists of three distinct areas:

The product portal is a publicly accessible source of information about our product portfolio, release information and service offers.

This is the central platform for our partners. Here, partners can find marketing material, price information and technical information about our demo systems. It also provides direct access to our documentation for partners.

A brand new forum for exchange and collaboration. Become part of the community, share knowledge, ask questions and discuss ideas with other customers, partners and censhare employees in a global forum. Please feel free to support the user community by answering questions and sharing your best practices here.

For more detailed information please jump to our latest documentation .

You will find the documentation dedicated to this release, release notes, known issues and the latest system requirements.