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Digital Asset Management

Digital Asset Management (DAM) provides a centralized solution for managing every type of digital content, so you’ll always have the latest assets - images, documents, graphics, media files and more at your fingertips. All the traditionally boring tasks are automated. So you’re free to focus on content that’s right for your customers.

  • Create assets and asset variants, store them centrally, edit and update them, add useful reference information and unlimited links to any other asset. Search censhare’s semantic database rapidly for assets according to almost any criteria.

  • A single record for each asset is created which can reference any related information, including information on target audiences, sources, usage rights, or other legal information. This makes it the single point of truth for any user. All changes are tracked and can be easily reverted to a previous version.

  • The optional DAM Starter Kit provides the elements essential to getting quickly started with DAM and is aimed at partners and solution developers.

censhare DAM offers an intuitive web client that shows workflow status, quality gates, all available information and metadata for each digital asset, regardless of the file format. The system accepts any file, including camera raw files, videos, presentations, and more.

Upload, Edit and Download: Easily upload any content as a digital asset by drag and drop, via automated processes or via interfaces (APIs)

Supports all file formats, including video and 3D | Bulk upload and export via drag and drop | Automated import and export | Transfer of metadata (XMP, EXIF, IPTC) | Multi-level duplicate checks

Manage, Organize and Archive: Functions for managing, organizing and archiving digital assets and associated metadata

Flexible tagging and definition of features | Automated versioning | Integrated image editor | Interactive previews for all relevant 3D file formats | Image and video version generation | Rule based archiving and dearchiving | Management of different language, regional and content versions

DAM Starter Kit (optional): Extends censhare with a simplified, pre-configured user interface for censhare DAM

Pre-configured user interface for DAM, including pre-configured master data and governance model with three top-level user roles | Simplified user interface designed to cover a basic DAM use case for casual users or users who are not experienced in working with censhare | Can be extended with additional asset types, relations, functions, and user roles | Workflows and user interface based on experience from DAM projects with leading global brands | Simplifies creating an asset taxonomy with categories and keywords | Can help deliver a DAM project faster | Does not affect system performanc

CI HUB Connector für censhare (optional)

Enables seamless use of digital assets with applications of the Adobe® Creative Cloud® and Microsoft® Office®, Figma, Sketch, Google Workspace, Wordpress, and Sharepoint